What are the masks made of?

Masks are cast in natural latex rubber. Attached hoods are made from sheet latex rubber stock.

How do I order?

From time to time, we will open for new orders. This is announced of Purple Dragonmage’s Twitter. @Pdragonmage https://twitter.com/PDragonmage

You will have an opportunity to enter into a randomized drawing for an order queue slot. The entry window will be one hour.

Attempts to exploit this process by submitting multiple entries will result in a permanent ban from purchasing from Talonbound Gear.

Do you allow payment plans?

No. Payment for your order is due at the time of purchase in full.

We are not setup in such a way we can offer payment plans. It would over complicate our order process and we do not wish to operate as a bank and spend time managing small payments and having to harass people to pay on time.

We recommend financing through a third-party credit company if you do not have cash on hand.

Can I commission a custom sculpt for a hood or mask?

Simple answer to this question is: No.

We do occasionally offer polls where you can weigh in on the creation of new designs.

We already have too many of our own ideas to create, and each takes a sizable investment in time and materials. Because each design has its own challenges when it comes to manufacturing, it is impossible to advertise any sort of pricing estimates beyond a minimum of a few thousand dollars depending on exclusivity and re-usability.

If you have a pile of money to set on fire and despite out statement here, you would still like to pursue a custom sculpt, feel free to reach out directly.